Health and Wellbeing
Indigenous Peoples in Canada are a diverse and dynamic population that represent the fastest growing demographic in the country. However, for almost every health, environmental, and socio-economic indicator, Indigenous children live in worse conditions and have poorer outcomes on average than their non-Indigenous peers; usually resulting in trauma.
In addition, mental and emotional health is crucial to the wellbeing of children and youth. For many indigenous children, youth and communities, the effects of colonization and other traumatic events continue to take a toll on their mental health and wellbeing. This can result in depression, suicide, alcohol and drug addictions, and anger resulting in violence.

Wiisokodaadig (Youth) Peer Helper Program
We empower youth with decision-making, communication and personal skill development, and knowledge to become confident ‘peer helpers’; an approach to life promotion.

Youth Life Skills
We know that low income due to unemployment or underemployment causes stress, poor nutrition, producing poor health and social outcomes for youth, their families and communities.