We make gender equality and the empowerment of young women and girls everywhere an essential aspect of our work. By fighting child, early and forced marriage; by opposing sexual and gender-based violence; and by making sure girls and women have equitable and safe access to services in humanitarian situations, we encourage young girls everywhere to realize their rights and create their own opportunities.

We thank you for taking a stand with us in 2021 to advance the rights of young women and girls around the world. Here are some ways you can get started:

  1. Read a powerful book or novel about girls’ or women’s empowerment
  2. Spread the word about standing up for girls’ empowerment and encourage your friends and family to join you. Example tweet: This year, I am standing with @savechildrencan to celebrate girls’ empowerment Join me in standing up for gender equality: http://bit.ly/2ZYKnxr
  3. Be accepting and don’t impose preconceived notions to young girls
  4. Take a stand against verbal or physical violence against a young woman in public, and believe survivors of gender-based violence
  5. Sponsor the education of one or more young girls through our Gifts of Joy